Publishing scholarship as Claire Raymond, and poetry as Claire Millikin, I frame an interdisciplinary approach to poetry and critical theory. Because writing poetry and writing scholarship are different acts, I identify my work in those different genres by using my middle name, Millikin, for poems and my last name, Raymond, for scholarship. As part of academia’s precariat I taught for many years at the University of Virginia and have been a visiting research collaborator at Princeton University and visiting faculty at Bates College. I teach now for the University of Maine system. My emphasis in research is cultural theory, Indigenous American history, and critical race theory. My scholarship reflects a feminist lens. While my poetry has often been described as personal, I see my poetics as deeply political. I am the author of numerous books, including The Selfie, Temporality, and Contemporary Photography (2021) and State Fair Animals (2018). As a poet, I am a recipient of the Lois Cranston Memorial Poetry Prize, a 2021 Maine Literary Award, and the editor’s choice Charles Simic Poetry Prize. My forthcoming poetry book, Magicicada, from Unicorn Press contends with juvenile solitary confinement.